Fast and reliable parcel delivery company. We transport goods to 230 countries and our customers can pick up and receive their parcels from more than 42,000 Pickup points.
Over 92% adoption among employees
Employee feedback has been exceptionally positive, with DPD achieving an impressive contribution rate and receiving top scores in annual surveys.
All members of the extended management team are actively engaging in the planning and delivery of relevant and on-point information.

3 official languages and very diverse international workforce made delivering localized up-to-date relevant information in newsletter format very difficult.
Workforce was scattered, a lot of people were not at the office or worked during off hours or at night, that left them out of mouth-to-mouth communication.
Access to sharing news was initially limited to only a small number of individuals, resulting in a significant portion of information failing to reach its intended audience.
Sending information via email failed to reach employees who do not have access to email (yes, they do exist).
GuavaHR’s Internal Communication Platform with Auto-Translate Functionality has been introduced to all employees & couriers at DPD. With an impressive 92% adoption rate, every employee now has access to crucial information, instantly translatable to their preferred language.
Sending information is just a click away, available on desktop or your mobile device, ensuring that everyone has the access to share their updates.
Additionally, Guava is accessible with mobile number authentication, email is preferred, but is not necessary.
200 + 300 couriers
But after a short period of time, everybody got used to it and they (the employees) saw the benefits in using guava. They see the content faster, the news is up to date and covering the bigger variety of departments, happenings and events.
It’s also more interactive so they can participate in the content. They can ask questions, put likes, participate in surveys, leave feedback, either anonymous or non-anonymous.
So today, I think, overall the satisfaction rate is very high.

Annika Oruaas
DPD HR & Sustainability Manager
The GuavaHR IC solution has been successfully rolled out to all employees, spanning from office personnel to those in the sorting department and dedicated couriers. With an impressive adoption rate exceeding 92%, the system ensures that everyone remains well-informed about the company’s latest developments.
Offering a wide array of news and actionable information, DPD has seen a substantial increase in participation. Over 55% of users actively engage by liking, commenting, or posting, making them active contributors, not just passive recipients.
DPD’s commitment to making each employee an integral part of the sales lead generation initiatives is evident through organized efforts led by the sales team. Employees have the opportunity to partake in their success stories, with results reported just one month later.
DPD also provides specialized information streams for staying aligned with new projects and company initiatives, promoting focus both in terms of sharing and receiving information.
The “Thanks” channel is dedicated to openly sharing all external recognition and expressions of gratitude from customers. This practice underscores the importance of every individual’s contribution and allows them to take pride in their association with the company.
The Documents & Links section houses essential templates and shortcuts, facilitating quick access to vital information and saving time for all employees.